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Monastery Hamatoura

Monastery Hamatoura

About the Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos

In Syriac, 'Hamatoura' translates into 'the mountain of fervour.' It served as a place where monks would gather to practice asceticism. Upon readiness, the abbot, also a bishop, would ordain them as hieromonks, marking their commitment to service. This act symbolised the pouring forth of a spring, hence why the monastery came to be known as 'the mountain of fervour' or 'the spring of 'the mountain.

The Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos is perched on the shoulder of the Sacred Qadisha Valley, a breathtaking landscape that stretches from the Cedars of God through the winding paths of Mount Lebanon, nestled between the towns of Kousba and Ras Kifa. It sits 450 meters above sea level, approximately 25 kilometres from the city of Tripoli. Accessible from Kousba via a challenging thirty-minute hike, the monastery stands two hundred meters above the river, making the journey both awe-inspiring and rewarding.

It is the oldest among the mountain monasteries. The monks transformed it from a center for idol worship into a monastery named after the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary.
Among the mountain's monasteries, it boasts the distinction of being the oldest. Originally a site for pagan worship, the dedicated monks transformed it into a sanctuary devoted to the Virgin Mother of God. However, following the devastations of World War I, the monastery succumbed to ruins and lay abandoned until 1994. It was through the tireless efforts of Archimandrite Panteleimon of blessed memory that the monastery was painstakingly restored, breathing new life into its sacred halls and reviving the monastic tradition.


برنامج الصلوات في فترة الصوم الأربعيني المقدس

من الإثنين إلى الجمعة

4:00 صباحًا: صَلاة نصف اللّيل والسَّحَريّة

10:00 صباحًا: الساعات والغروب وقداس البروجيزماني نهاري الأربعاء والجمعة

5:00 مساءً: صلاة النوم الكبرى

6:00 مساءً:الجمعة المديح الذي لا يجلس فيه


4:00 صباحًا: صَلاة نصف اللّيل والسَّحَريّة والقدّاس الإلهيّ

7:00 مساءً: صَلاة الغروب


7:00: Orthros & Divine Liturgy

Ninth Hour & Vespers: 16:00 - 17:00

17:45: Small Compline

Please note monks are on a spiritual retreat on Mondays thus will not be available; on this day, visits are not recommended but you may still attend the prayers mentioned above


7:00: Orthros & Divine Liturgy

Ninth Hour & Vespers: 16:00 - 17:00

17:45: Small Compline

Monday to Saturday

4:00 – 7:00 صباحًا: صَلاة نصف اللّيل والسَّحَريّة والقدّاس الإلهيّ

9:00: Paraklesis

Ninth Hour & Vespers: 16:00 - 17:00

17:45: Small Compline

يغلق الدير أبوابه أيام الإثنين والأربعاء والجمعة، الرهبان في خلوة

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    Hamatoura Monastery, Lebanon

    visiting hours

    In Winter: 7am – 7pmIn Summer: 6am – 12pm then 03:pm to 08:30pm
    The monastery is closed on Mondays all year round when monks are on a spiritual retreat


    Hamatoura Monastery, Lebanon

    Visiting hours

    Winter Hours: 7:00 - 19:00Summer hours: 6:00 - 12:00 l 15:00 - 20:30
    Please note monks are on a spiritual retreat on Mondays thus will not be available


    Charity is the mother of love. The one who takes experiences human gladness, while the one who gives embraces divine joy. Spiritual receiving comes through giving




    Hamatoura Monastery, Lebanon

    visiting hours

    In Winter: 7am – 7pmIn Summer: 6am – 12pm then 03:pm to 08:30pm
    The monastery is closed on Mondays all year round when monks are on a spiritual retreat
    خبرة نظم التسابيح بكلمات وصوت القديس جيراسيموس ناظم التسابيح الآثوسي
    من زيارة ثيوكليتس متروبوليت ستاغون وميتيورا إلى دير حمطوره