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Brief Overview of His Life

Born in Kousba, Koura (1953).

He grew up in an affluent family. His father was a merchant, his mother a virtuous, loving, and generous woman. He had a deep love for prayer and fasting from a young age and turned the family house attic into a cell where he practiced prayer, fasting, and spiritual readings. He saved all his pocket money to buy books, and so by the time he was a young man, he had consumed a vast amount of literature.

Known for his active commitment and love for the church from an early age, he was not drawn to worldly activities but instead dedicated himself to church work within the Orthodox Youth Movement (MJO), earning him the nickname "Brother Ibrahim". He was strict, meticulous and serious, especially in church services, excelling in chanting with a warm, golden, melodious voice and a unique chanting style.

He earned a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences in 1975 and later pursued a Bachelor's degree in Theology from the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology - Balamand in 1988.

Father Isaac Atallah became his spiritual father, and he frequently visited him at the Monastery of Saint George - Hamatoura. After Father Isaac travelled to Mount Athos, he followed suit, visiting there every summer to seek guidance and learn from him. He applied Father Isaac’s teachings diligently in his own life. He also became acquainted with Saint Elder Paisios of Mount Athos.

However, he chose to become a monk in Lebanon; he was tonsured at the Holy Archangel Michael Monastery in Baskinta.

Upon the request of Metropolitan Georges Khodr, he was ordained a deacon and then a priest at the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus - Kousba in 1991, by the laying on of hands of Metropolitan Elias Kurban. He also served as an internal administrator at the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology – Balamand.

After the devastating fire that ravaged the church of the Monastery of Dormition of the Theotokos in Hamatoura in 1993.

Metropolitan Georges Khodr tasked him with the restoration, reconstruction and maintenance of the Monastery (1993). He was then appointed as its abbot (1994). He was elevated to the rank of archimandrite at the St. John the Baptist Monastery in Douma (1996) and was tonsured a monk of the Great Schema at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the Hamatoura Monastery (1997).

Archimandrite Panteleimon played a pivotal role in the monastery’s development, contributing significantly to its infrastructure, workshops, land development and product manufacturing. More importantly, the monastery owes much to him for the brotherhood he established, earning him a significant spiritual place in the heart of its monks. This made the monastery a sought-after destination for believers, particularly the youth, fostering their church and spiritual commitment, embracing them with his spiritual fatherhood and nurturing them in the love of Christ. He was a gifted elder who knew how to utilise the talents of his monks and children in the service of the church. By God’s grace, he uncovered the relics of the holy Hieromartyr Jacob of Hamatoura and his companions. Additionally, he authored several works and translations published by the monastery. He had a keen interest in liturgical services, contributing significantly to translation, composition, notation, chanting and to the spreading of liturgical beauty to clergy, monks and believers both within and beyond the Antiochian See.

He reposed in the Lord on Sunday, November 28, 2021, in Thessaloniki, Greece, with hope in the resurrection and eternal life. He was laid to rest the following day at the Skete of St. Demetrius on Mount Athos.

His Sayings

The Church serves as a simple enterprise on earth, a pledge for heavenly life. This life is an opportunity to return to God, to train ourselves, to learn about His love, to understand our selves, to acknowledge our weaknesses, and to repent to Him.

Through fasting, prayer, meditation, and reading the Holy Scriptures and the interpretive teachings of the Holy Fathers, we become spiritually vibrant and resilient, standing firm with Christ.

When we read the Holy Scriptures, we affirm to God and ourselves that we want Him to be the master of our lives, enlightening our minds and guiding our steps so that we do not stumble in this life here and there.

Enduring hardships may seem trivial, but if you maintain your love despite your suffering, you are exactly like Christ hanging on the cross, awaiting the hour of resurrection.

People today listen to the news and read newspapers because they are disturbed and seeking reassurance, but find none. Why not change this approach and read the Holy Scriptures? Our minds, filled with divine truths and the stories of the saints, will be lifted, transforming our lives from negative to sacred, imbued with a spiritual character and filled with goodness and blessings.

إن كانت المتاعب تثار حولنا فهذا يعني أننا في طريق الرّبّ ولذلك لا يستكين الشرِّير بل يحرّك كل الطاقات حتى يدمّرنا. لذلك فلنفرح ولا نضطرب فالله سيشرق بنوره لكي ينتشلنا وينير دربنا فيجعلنا نسلك بأمانة وصدق وضمانة نحوه.

يريد الربُّ يسوع أن تتبلور خليقته وتتأجَّج فلا تفنى. حضارات الناس تقول: إنَّ الإنسان يفنى. أمَّا الربّ يسوع فجاء ليقول: إنَّ الحياة ليست هنا، أنتم هنا في غربة وعليكم أن تستعيدوا وضعكم ومواطنيَّتكم لكي تذهبوا إلى الفردوس لأنكم مخلوقون حتَّى تشاركوا الله في جمالاته، في قدرته، وفي كلِّ عزمته.

كثيرون يتذرّعون بالشؤون الاقتصاديَّة والضِّيقة الموجودة في بلادنا ويذهبون إلى الخارج دون أن يعرفوا أنهم يتركون المسيح، يتركون فرصة أن يموتوا شهداء في عيش بسيط بإمكانيَّات مادِّيَّة بسيطة ليثبتوا في بلادهم حيث زرعهم الرّبّ. يعتقدون أنهم في المهاجر سيمتلكوا ويرتاحوا لكنَّهم يفقدون المسيح.

القيامة ليست مجرَّد أنشودة نرنِّمها أو حدثًا من الماضي لكنَّها طاقة وفاعليَّة. لا تتكرَّر، إنما تقفز من دقيقةٍ إلى أخرى مستحضرة الماضي هو اليوم يوم القيامة.

Christ is one; we should know Him as He appeared, taught and revealed Himself, rather than inventing Him. The Bible warns against returning to idolatry: Thou shalt not make for thee any graven image or any likeness, meaning do not create and worship a deity according to your own whims or intellect.

We live in an era where we read but do not comprehend because we lack focus and the desire to understand. We do not ask questions to learn and grasp the true essence of our faith. Our attachment to orthodox faith isn't out of intolerance, but because it's our life, our stability and our foundation in Christ.

حبُّ مريم البتول ليسوع غلَبَ كلَّ حبٍّ آخَر. وفي هدوئها وصفائها جعلت رؤساء الكنيسة أي التلاميذ ينسكبون أمام تواضعها وشخصيَّتها المميَّزة متعلِّمين من صمتها. ومن هدوء نفسها كانوا يستشفُّون هذا الحضور الإلهيّ الذي ملأ قلبها وكيانها إذ حملت المسيح في أحشائها وولدته طفلاً وربَّته حتَّى قدَّمته للآب خادمًا مطيعًا حتَّى الموت على الصَّليب.

Belonging to Christ doesn't mean privilege; it means walking a path of purification and hardship. Therefore, you deny yourself and dedicate all your energies in the service of Christ.

We should carry the cross every day and emulate Christ in His self-denial, endurance, love, sacrifices and preaching. This is how we walk with Him and reach the Kingdom.

In marriage, it's often the case that one dominates over the other, or one exploits the other. However, God watches over humans, rectifying their moral shortcomings and lives, so that both partners, in their turmoil amidst life's problems and child-rearing, learn the meaning of sacrifice and giving.

A couple strives for union with Christ, in a companionship of daily sacrifice and death, in a love that is devoted, one that tirelessly serves without knowing rest. In doing so, they become like angels, brother and sister, sanctified in serving these children whom God has entrusted to them.

The monk seeks union with Christ, not through marriage but in solitude, hence he is called a solitary. He neither amuses himself nor gets distracted from glorifying God, giving everything for the sake of His love.

The monk offers himself every day and bears the hardships that come from his brethren, from people, from the evil one, and from his own desires and worries that multiply and weigh on him, causing distraction.

The evil one seeks to shatter the Church, but we, on our part, do not want any harm to befall the Church. I prefer death over any harm befalling the Church. For outside the Church, there is no salvation, but within the Church, we remain one body with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us walk in humility and simplicity, preparing ourselves for the joyous end, for the meeting with our Lord Jesus Christ, for dwelling in His presence. Let us strive to cultivate the virtues that allow us to be with God, rather than seeking earthly pleasures. For earthly enjoyment here means no joy in the heavens.

فلننظر إلى الحياة الآتية التي تجعل العظامَ الرميمة نابضةً بالحياة. فإذا ما التصقنا بالمسيح نصبح بالحقيقةِ حياةً، نقوم إلى حياة أبدية. فرضى الله ومحبته تجعلنا نسلك إلى النهاية ونصل إلى الفردوس متمتّعين مع المسيح لأننا أحببناه وتركنا كل شيء وتبعناه.